Reading Types

In the Core Language section of this book, we ran a bunch of code in the REPL. Well, we are going to do it again, but now with an emphasis on the types that are getting spit out. So type fire up your REPL again in your terminal with npm run top . You should see this:

              │ Welcome to utop version 1.19.2 (using OCaml version 4.02.3)! │              
Reason: Meta Language Utility
                   ___  _______   ________  _  __
                  / _ \/ __/ _ | / __/ __ \/ |/ /
                 / , _/ _// __ |_\ \/ /_/ /    /
                /_/|_/___/_/ |_/___/\____/_/|_/

  Execute statements/let bindings. Hit <enter> after the semicolon.

        >   let myVar = "Hello Reason!";
        >   let myList: list string = ["first", "second"];

Type #utop_help for help about using utop.

Primitives and Lists

Let's enter some simple expressions and see what happens:

Reason # "hello";
- : string = "hello"  

Reason # not true;
- : bool = false   

Reason # floor 3.1415;
- : float = 3.

In these three examples, the REPL tells us what_type_of value it along with the resulting value. The value "hello" is a string. The value 3. is an float . Nothing too crazy here.

Let's see what happens with lists holding different types of values:

Reason # [ "Alice", "Bob" ];
- : list string = ["Alice", "Bob"]

Reason # [ 1.0, 8.6, 42.1 ];
- : list float = [1., 8.6, 42.1]    

Reason # [];
- : list 'a = []

In the first case, we have a list filled with string values. In the second, the list is filled with float values. In the third case the list is empty, so we do not actually know what kind of values are in the list. So the type list `a is saying "I know I have a list, but it could be filled with anything". The lower-case `a is called atype variable, meaning that there are no constraints in our program that pin this down to some specific type. In other words, the type can vary based on how it is used.


Let's see the type of some functions:

Reason # String.length;
- : string => int = <fun>

The functionString.lengthhas type string => int. This means it must take in a string argument, and it will definitely return an integer result. So let's try giving it an argument:

Reason # String.length "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious";
- : int = 34

The important thing to understand here is how the type of the result int is built up from the initial expression. We have a string => int function and give it a string argument. This results in an int .

What happens when you do not give a string though?

Reason # String.length [1,2,3];
Error: This expression has type list 'a                                                                           
       but an expression was expected of type string

Reason # String.length true;
Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type                                       

A string => int function must get a string argument!

Anonymous Functions

Reason has a feature called anonymous functions. Basically, you can create a function without naming it, like this:

Reason # fun n => n / 2;
- : int => int = <fun>

Defining anonymous functions or lambdas is like defining any function, beginning with the fun keyword followed by the list of arguments of the function, and on the right of the arrow, you say what to do with those arguments. In this example, it is saying: I take in some argument I will call n and then I am going to divide it by two.

We can use anonymous functions directly. Here is us using our anonymous function with128as the argument:

Reason # (fun n => n / 2)(128);
- : int = 64

We start with a int => int function and give it a int argument. The result is another int .

Named Functions

In the same way that we can name a value, we can name an anonymous function. So rebellious!

Reason # let oneHundredAndTwentyEight = 128.0;
let oneHundredAndTwentyEight : float = 128.   

Reason # let half = fun n => n /. 2.0;
let half : float => float = <fun>    

Reason # half oneHundredAndTwentyEight;
- : float = 64.  

Reason # half(oneHundredAndTwentyEight);
- : float = 64.

In the end, it works just like when nothing was named. You have a float => float function, you give it a float , and you end up with another float. The last two examples are the same, you can choose to optionally include parens on the parameters passed in.

This is true for all functions, no matter how many arguments they have. So now let's take that a step farther and think about what it means for functions with multiple arguments:

Reason # let divide = fun x y => x / y;
let divide : int => int => int = <fun>  

Reason # divide 4 2;
- : int = 2

That seems fine, but why are there two arrows in the type for divide ?! To start out, it is fine to think that "all the arguments are separated by arrows, and whatever is last is the result of the function". So divide takes two arguments and returns a int .

To really understand why there are two arrows in the type of divide , it helps to convert the definition to use anonymous functions.

Reason # let divide = fun x y => x / y;
let divide : int => int => int = <fun>  

Reason # let divide = fun x => fun y => x / y;
let divide : int => int => int = <fun>

All of these are totally equivalent. We just moved the arguments over, turning them into anonymous functions one at a time. So when we run an expression like divide 4 2 we are actually doing a bunch of evaluation steps:

divide 4 2
(divide 4) 2                         -- Step 1 - Add the implicit parentheses
((fun x => (fun y => x / y)) 4) 2    -- Step 2 - Expand `divide`
(fun y => 4 / y) 2                   -- Step 3 - Replace x with 3
4 / 2                                -- Step 4 - Replace y with 2
2                                    -- Step 5 - Do the math

After you expand divide , you actually provide the arguments one at a time. Replacing x and y are actually two different steps.

Let's break that down a bit more to see how the types work. In evaluation step #3 we saw the following function:

Reason # (fun y => 4 / y);
- : int => int = <fun>

It is a int => int function, just like half . Now in step #2 we saw a fancier function:

Reason # (fun x => (fun y => x / y));
- : int => int => int = <fun>

Well, we are starting with fun x => ... so we know the type is going to be something like int => .... We also know that (fun y => x / y) has type int => int .

So if you actually wrote down all the parentheses in the type, it would instead say int => (int => int) . You provide arguments one at a time. So when you replace x , the result is actually another function. The same goes for all functions in Reason.

Because all functions in Reason work this way, you do not need to give all the arguments at once. It is possible to say things like this:

Reason # divide 128;
- : int => int = <fun>

This is called partial application. It lets us use the|>operator to chain functions together in a nice way, and it is why function types have so many arrows!

Type Annotations

In Reason you are able to use types as much or as little as you want. Types come in handy when trying to figure out input and output of functions, tuples, records, etc. Lets take a look:

let frameworkName : string = "React";

let manyFrameworks: (string, string, string) = ("React", "Vue", "Angular");

let stuff = fun (lol: int) => lol;

Type Aliases

So far we have just let Reason figure out the types, but it also lets you write a type annotation on the line above a definition if you want. So when you are writing code, you can say things like this:

type half = int => int; 
let half = fun n => n / 2;

type divide = int => int => int;
let divide = fun x y => x / y;

type askVegeta = int => string;
let askVegeta = fun powerLevel => {
  if (powerLevel >9000) {
    "It's over 9000!!!";
  } else {
    "It is " ^ string_of_int powerLevel ^ ".";

People can make mistakes in type annotations, so what happens if they say the wrong thing? Well, the compiler does not make mistakes, so it still figures out the type on its own. It then checks that your annotation matches the real answer. In other words, the compiler will always verify that all the annotations you add are correct.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""